Notes From The Auditor's Desk: Clarification Request Narratives

Project teams receive one round of Clarification Requests from auditors for each audit (Ready and Final). Clarification Requests are the opportunity for the auditor to ask clarifying questions to the team. Teams can provide responses to auditor Clarification Requests through a Clarification Request Narrative. While not required, a narrative can be helpful to provide succinct clarification and guide an auditor through any additional documentation.


Project: Living Future Home

Date: 12/5/2024

I04-1 Density Documentation

Clarification Request: The team’s calculation of the FAR appears to be incorrect as the Gross Building Area used does not match the value listed in the Project Information  Synopsis. Please provide the correct calculation or update the Project Information Synopsis to show the correct value.

Response: The following is the team’s approach to calculating the FAR. The team acknowledges the original calculation used the wrong gross building area.  The GBA listed in the Project Synopsis is correct. After correcting the calculation, the updated FAR value is 0.65. See below for the updated calculation.


Gross Building Area/Project Floor Area = 9,750 SF

Project Area = 15,000 SF

9,750 SF / 15,000 SF  = 0.65

I07-1 Energy Narrative and Schematic Drawing

Clarification Request: The team’s narrative did not provide descriptions of how the energy reductions will be achieved. Please provide an updated narrative.

Response: The team has updated the narrative to include a description of how the energy reductions will be achieved and uploaded it in I07-1 under the filename I07_Energy Narrative and Schematic Drawing_Revised. The relevant excerpt is also included below. 

I09-4 Views and Daylight Documentation

Clarification Request: The team provided a diagram as required, however, the diagram shows that only 68% of regularly occupied spaces have access to daylight and views. The Imperative requires 75%. The auditor is not able to approve alternate pathways. The team must provide a Request from Ruling decision from Living Future confirming that this alternate pathway is acceptable.  

Response: The team submitted a Request for Ruling, which was approved by Living Future. Please reference the Request for Ruling decision at the top of the application. The additional documentation as required by the Request for Ruling can be found under section I09-4 in Portal, labeled “I09-4_Daylight and Views Documentation_Supplemental Docs.” 

I14-2 FSC-Certified, Salvaged, and Intentionally Harvested Wood Documentation

Clarification Request: The auditor could not locate the receipt with an FSC COC number for the wood door listed in the MTT in row 345. 

Response: The document was provided in the original submission and can be found on page 65 of the document titled “FSC support documentation”. In addition, please see below for the screenshot of the line item referenced in row 345 of the MTT. 

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