Connect Your Living Future Membership to 3E Exchange

In order to renew or submit new Declare labels, manufacturers must have an active Professional Living Future Membership. If you are new to the Declare program or your Living Future membership has expired, you can sign up by following the link above or contacting You can also find details on how to register or renew your membership within the embedded guide.

Once you’ve successfully signed up and logged into your Living Future dashboard, you’re ready to begin connecting your Living Future membership with 3E Exchange.

Account Connection Workflow

The first step will be to sign into your 3E Exchange account. If you have not yet created one, you can follow this link to create a free account. After you’ve signed in, select “Settings” and then “Profile” in the far left border menu.

Within your profile, you’ll see a section called “Connected Accounts.” Within that section, you have the option to connect your 3E Exchange account to Living Future, Origin, or EU ECHA. To submit or renew a Declare label, you’ll need to connect your 3E Exchange account to Living Future.

Select the “Connect” button within the Living Future option.

This will take you to a new webpage asking you to sign in to your Living Future account in order to connect to 3E Exchange. Select the button that reads, “Sign In with ILFI.”

By selecting this button, you will be redirected to log into your Living Future membership account. Follow the on-screen instructions given to log into Living Future and connect the two accounts.

Once you’ve signed in and validation is completed, log out of your 3E Exchange account and log back in to make sure that membership appears validated. You will see that your Living Future account is connected to 3E Exchange when you return to view the connected accounts under your profile.

Getting Help

If you have any questions about this process and determining if your account has been successfully connected, please contact

If you need a 3E Exchange account transferred to another member of your team, please contact and cc In that transfer request, please indicate that you are looking to transfer Declare labels within 3E Exchange from the previous owner to your account.

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