Quick Guide | Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate (FBDC)

What is the Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate (FBDC)?

The International Living Future Institute and Biophilic Design Advisory Committee have seen a demonstrated need among the sustainable design community for biophilic design resources that can take the practice from theory to reality.

Our 12-hour Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate will provide you with the foundational knowledge, skills, and tools to bring a biophilic approach to your next project, and hopefully every project that follows. 

The curriculum is delivered fully online and on-demand with content and guidance from the field’s leading experts. In addition to online courses, an e-book, and a practice design activity, it includes access to the Biophilic Design Toolkit, a digital resource that's full of additional information you may explore within and beyond the certificate curriculum.

How much does the FBDC cost?

For non-members, the Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate is $295 USD. For Living Future Members, the cost is $265.50 (due to the 10% member discount on ILFI education).

Looking to Save? Living Future Members receive a 10% discount on all Living Future online courses, including the Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate. If you're already a Member, learn how to redeem your discount here.

Can I earn LFA General Credit from the FBDC?

You sure can! Completing the Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate will earn you 9 General Credits toward your LFA achievement.

How do I report LFA General Credit earned from the FBDC toward my LFA?

LFA General Credit from the Foundations of Biophilic Certificate will be automatically added to your transcript upon completion — no further action needed!

Reach Out: If you believe you've completed a course but are not seeing the credit appear in your transcript, please reach out to education@living-future.org for assistance. But first, double check that you have completed the course evaluation.

Can I earn AIA credit through the FBDC?

Yes! The Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate offers 8.5 AIA LU|HSW.

As long as we have your AIA member number on file, ILFI will report your course completions to AIA on a biweekly basis. To check whether your AIA member number is on file (and accurate), just visit your Education profile:

Reach Out: If you find that your AIA member number is missing from your Education profile (or inaccurate), reach out to education@living-future.org — we'll add/correct it and report any recent courses you've completed to AIA. 

Can I earn GBCI credit toward my LEED credential through the FBDC?

Yes! The Foundations of Biophilic Design Certificate offers 12 GBCI CE hours.

Please Note: Unlike for AIA credit, ILFI cannot report GBCI CE hours on behalf of our learners. You will need to self-report GBCI CE hours toward your LEED credential in accordance with GBCI's credit reporting guidance.

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