Quick Guide | Reporting Credit from Other Education

Can I earn General Credit from education delivered by an entity other than ILFI?

Yes! You are welcome to report any relevant education, even if the education was not delivered by ILFI. Common examples are higher education programs or courses, events, or conferences focused on regenerative design and related topics. The education does not need to advertise LFA General Credit in order for you to self-report it (i.e., it does not need to have been pre-approved by ILFI).

Reach Out: If you wish to officially confirm whether your non-ILFI education can contribute to your LFA General Credits, you are welcome to make a direct inquiry to LFA@living-future.org with a description of the event, its duration, and any other credits (AIA, GBCI, etc.) it may be advertising. Otherwise, the ILFI Education Team will verify the event's eligibility when you submit your Final Self-Audit at the end of the LFA achievement process.

How do I report credits earned from education delivered by an entity other than ILFI?

Follow these instructions to self-report your non-ILFI education:

  1. Log into your Education Dashboard (if you're not able to log in, try our troubleshooting instructions).
  2. Click the "Self-Reporting" button.
  3. Select "Other - I completed other education towards my LFA" 
  4. Enroll in the tile with the total number of credits you wish to report. For example — if you participated in a 3-hour regenerative design workshop, enroll in the tile that says "Other Education, 3 Total Credits."
  5. The "Enroll" button will turn into a "Start" button. Click "Start."
  6. Upload evidence of your participation. Ensure that the documentation includes the following information: 
  • Your name
  • The name of the course/event/conference/program/etc. 
  • The name of the education provider 
  • The completion date
  • The number and type of any pre-approved continuing education units, or the number of instructional hours 

Tip: Even if your education is worth more than 16 LFA credits, enroll only in the tile that says "Other Education, 16 Total Credits.” Since LFA achievement requires only 16 General Credits, this is the maximum number of credits one can earn from any individual educational activity.

How do I know the number of credits to self-report if a specific number of LFA credits is not advertised?

One LFA General Credit represents approximately one hour of instruction or practice in regenerative design. Therefore, the number of General Credits should be equivalent to the number of instructional hours (minus any breaks or social components).

Generally speaking, if the education offers another type of continuing education unit (such as GBCI CE hours, AIA LUs, etc.), the number of LFA General Credits will be the same. 

Reach Out: If you're ever in doubt, you can always contact LFA@living-future.org for assistance!

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