Steps for Registering a Project for LBC (including Core/Petal), ZC, or ZE

Registering your project for the Living Building ChallengeTM (Living, Petal or Core), Zero Carbon CertificationTM (ZE) , and Zero Energy CertificationTM 

Welcome to Living Future! We’re excited that you’re ready to register your project. A person from your organization or project team will need an active Living Future Professional Membership to register the project via the membership dashboard. 

Project program fees are paid in two installments. The Registration fee is a flat fee and is due upon enrollment. This fee covers all ILFI support, detailed below. The Certification fee is due when the project submits documentation for the Ready Audit and is based on the program (LBC, ZC, or ZE) and project size (gross building area). This fee covers third-party audit expenses. The Registration fee and Certification fee cover all program, support, and audit costs, unless a post-audit appeal is necessary, in which case an additional fee will be applied.

The program fees cover the following services to support project teams on their journey to certification:

  • Dedicated project support from the Buildings Team
  • Three project status calls scheduled during the design and construction phases of the project
  • Access Request for Rulings to request clarifications and exceptions to certification requirements
  • Invitation to project team summits and calls
  • Third-party Ready Audit upon completion of construction
  • Third-party Final Audit upon completion of the 12-month performance period

Ready to build a living future? 

Keep reading for instructions to access the project Portal and get registered!

Accessing the Project Portal and Registration 

The Project Portal is where you will manage and submit the documentation for your project. From the Membership Dashboard, you’ll navigate to the Project Portal by clicking the “Register or Manage a Project/Label” button.

In Portal, click the Programs button in the upper right hand corner.

This will take you to the Programs page.

Under the program you’d like to register for, click More:

Click Apply:

You will be asked to enter your application name. Please enter your project’s name. Then, click Create Application.

Under Your tasks, click on the Registration Form

Fill out the Registration Form information. While almost all fields are required, the information in the Registration Form can be edited later by ILFI staff if necessary. If you do not know the exact dates because your project is early in its lifecycle or post-construction, fill in these fields to the best of your ability.

Please note that registration is incomplete until the Registration Form has been Marked As Complete AND you have navigated back to the main application page and hit Submit. You will receive a confirmation email when the application has been submitted, and ILFI will send a Registration fee invoice to the invoice recipient (issuing of the invoice may take up to 5 business days). 

Project Application Questions 

Before accessing the Portal, you can expedite the application by preparing the template information below. 

Basic Project Information

  • Typology (Existing Building (Renovation), New Construction, Interiors, and Landscape + Infrastructure)
  • Transect
  • Estimated Gross Building Area
  • Brief Project Description
  • Project Type (e.g. Commercial, Residential, etc.)
  • Owner Information (owner organization, representative name, email)
  • Anticipated Start of Construction (date)
  • Anticipated End of Construction (date)
  • Intended Certification Path (if LBC: Living, Petal or Core)
  • Special Projects - Volume or Pilot (Y/N)
  • Seattle LBPP (Y/N)
  • Project Address

Terms and Invoice Information

  • NDA required? (Y/N)
  • Registration Terms + Conditions: you must review and agree to the Registration Terms + Conditions on behalf of the project team.

Marketing + Project Map

You will answer yes or no to the following question: “Would you like to grant permission to the International Living Future Institute (ILFI), its agents, and others working under its authority for the full and free use of your project information in their marketing materials while your project is pursuing certification? This includes adding the project to ILFI's interactive Project Map upon receipt of registration payment.” 

ILFI will use the following information from your application for the Map:

  • Intended Certification Type
  • Typology
  • Gross Building Area
  • Project Type
  • Description
  • Photographs/Renderings

Invoice Recipient

You’ll need to provide the information for the organization receiving and paying the Registration fee invoice. Please ensure this information is correct, especially if you are filling this out on behalf of a consultant, owner, or other party.

  • Company to Invoice
  • Company Contact
  • Company Contact’s Email
  • Mailing Address
  • Accounts Payable/Billing Contact Email Address (if different)
  • Other emails where invoices should be sent
  • P.O. Required? Y/N

Contact with questions.

Welcome to the ILFI family!

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