21-0720 Habitat Exchange Donation Amount
Our product is undergoing recertification under a new version of the LPC Standard, in which the amount of the Habitat Exchange donation to a land trust has changed. Can we use the new percentage for our final donation in the third and final year of our current certification period?
The donation amount required changed from 1/4 cent per dollar (or other currency) of gross profit in LPC 1.1, to 1/2 cent per dollar of gross profit in LPC 2.0, to follow the same donation amount that is required in the Equitable Investment Imperative. As a project-specific allowance, where the project team has registered for recertification to LPC 2.0 and is seeking to apply only this difference in Imperative requirement to the donation amount of the final year of its previous three-year certification period, this request is approved. This allowance does not reply retroactively (i.e. the different donation amount cannot be applied to the first two years of Habitat Exchange donations)