Living Future Accreditation (LFA)

LFA Requirements & Process

Answers to all these questions and more can be found in the LFA Guide.

What is LFA and is it right for me?

LFA is an online, self-paced certificate designed for architecture, engineering, design, and construction (AEDC) professionals at every level who are interested in expanding their careers by advancing their knowledge and understanding of regenerative design principles and frameworks that address the limitations of traditional sustainability approaches and actively create positive outcomes.

Find more details and everything you need to get started in the LFA Guide.

How do I achieve LFA?

The process for achieving LFA is simple. There is no prerequisite education and no maintenance requirement.

To achieve LFA:

  1. Enroll in LFA*
  2. Complete all the online courses within each Unit
  3. Celebrate by broadcasting your achievement 🥳

*Need help completing the checkout process? Follow this link for step-by-step instructions.

How much does LFA cost?

The cost to achieve LFA is the price of LFA enrollment: $750 USD. There are no additional fees required to earn LFA.

Are there discounts available for LFA?

There are two ways to save on LFA achievement:

Tip: Did you know that Living Future has an International Pricing Policy? If you're eligible, we encourage you to apply.

How long does it take to achieve LFA?

You can expect to invest approximately 20 hours engaging with course material and completing assignments and quizzes. We recommend you schedule time weekly or monthly to complete the courses and assignments. Most learners finish their LFA in about three months.

Is there a deadline for completing LFA?

There is no achievement deadline. However, course access will expire one year from your date of enrollment.

Reach Out: If an unforeseen circumstance prevents you from completing your LFA within a year, please contact us at so we can help. 

Do I need to pass a final exam to achieve LFA?

There is no final exam for LFA. Competencies are evaluated through course-level knowledge checks, and quizzes, which you can attempt multiple times. This allows you to focus on gaining a true understanding of the material rather than memorizing answers.

Does LFA have any maintenance, renewal, or continuing education requirements?

LFA has no maintenance, renewal, or continuing education requirements because it is a lifetime credential — your LFA does not expire! The LFA course content evolves along with Living Future's programs and strategy. To stay up to date, you can enroll in individual courses on new program versions or topics. Please note, some courses are only available to learners enrolled in LFA.

Do I need to be a Living Future Member to achieve LFA?

No, but it's a good idea! LFA is open to enrollment to the public. Professional Membership provides discounted enrollment, in addition to other educational benefits like monthly educational webinars, and opportunities to pilot test new courses and certifications. 

Reach Out: If you have any questions about Living Future Membership, we encourage you to send an email to and say hello!

Do I need to work on a Living Future project or label to achieve LFA?

No. Working on a project or label is not a requirement for achieving LFA. But for those who have the opportunity, we strongly encourage the reinforcement of your LFA eduction with real-world experience on Living Future projects and labels.

Can I be granted exemptions from any LFA requirements due to prior experience or demonstrated proficiency?

No. Everyone must complete all the courses in every unit in order to earn LFA.

Are there live workshops or trainings available for LFA?

Not at this time. LFA is delivered completely online and on-demand. Living Future offers other live educational programming through periodic webinars, events, and conferences, including our annual Living Future Conference, plus a dynamic catalog of more on-demand courses and certificates. Visit to view our calendar and to view our course catalog.

Have there been any changes to LFA?

The evolution of the LFA program is driven by the Institute’s aim to meet the learning needs of our community, and is informed by feedback, insights, and experiences of past and current learners, Living Future members, and advisory groups. Over 1,500 professionals have achieved LFA since 2012. 

2024 - Simplified LFA Launches with Updated Courses

  • The latest iteration of LFA launches without General credit or audit requirements, simplifying the process and emphasizing core competencies
  • An updated curriculum includes new program courses on Living Future's recently released updates for the Just, Living Building Challenge Certification, Zero Carbon Certification, and Zero Energy Certification programs
  • Courses on Living Future's theory of change, philosophy and principles are introduced
  • Constructive learning activities on advocacy and leadership are introduced

Summary of Changes

Previous LFA

Enrollment prior to June 17th, 2024

Current LFA

Enrollment opened on July 1st, 2024

Required Coursework

LFA Foundational Curriculum (20 Credits)


  • Living Building Challenge 4.0 Introduction
  • Living Building Challenge 4.0 Imperatives In-Depth
  • Toolkit for Policy Leadership
  • Core Green Building Certification
  • Getting Started with Biophilic Design
  • Creating Biophilic Buildings
  • Living Community Challenge 1.2
  • Living Community Patterns
  • Urban Agriculture and Community Food Systems
  • Living Product Challenge 2.0
  • Declare 2.0
  • Achieving Healthy Materials
  • Zero Carbon 
  • Introduction to Zero Energy
  • Net Positive Energy at the Bullitt Center
  • Getting to Zero: Net Zero Energy Building Projects
  • Introduction to Reveal
  • Just 2.0

LFA Curriculum (18.5 Credits)


  • Theory of Change for a Living Future
  • Storytelling for a Living Future
  • Living Building Challenge 4.1
  • Zero Carbon Certification 1.1
  • Zero Energy Certification 1.1
  • Building a Strong Case for Living Buildings
  • Declare 2.0
  • Living Product Challenge 2.0
  • Building a Strong Case for Living Products
  • Just 3.0 
  • Encouraging Equity in the Workplace with Just
  • Emerge Leadership 
  • Articulating Your Purpose in the Living Future Movement
Flexible Coursework

LFA General Credits (16 Credits)


Varies — learners choose to take online courses, read Ecotone book, attend webinars or events, report learning from other education providers, or take the Fast Track by uploading an eligible green building credential

Cost $750 USD* for LFA Foundational Curriculum plus variable cost of fulfilling General LFA Credits $750 USD*
Estimated Time to Complete 36 hours 20 hours

*Professional Living Future Members receive 10% off

2023 - Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements Eliminated

  • The Living Future Membership requirement is retired. 
  • The LFA renewal credits requirement is retired.

2020 - LFA Foundational Curriculum Updated to Reflect Latest Living Future Programs

  • The LFA Foundational Curriculum receives course updates to reflect Living Future’s newly launched program updates for Declare 2.0, Just 2.0, Living Building Challenge 4.0, and Living Product Challenge 2.0. 

2019 - Improved Accessibility and Flexibility in Updated LFA Criteria

  • The LFA education requirements become partially standardized, and the overall credit requirement is nearly halved.
  • Learners must complete the 20-credit LFA Foundational Curriculum, which covers Living Future certification programs, labels, initiatives, and regenerative design topics.
  • The total LFA credit requirement is reduced to 36, with 16 General credits.
  • Learners complete the Foundational Curriculum online and self-report their General credits before a final self-audit verified by Living Future.
  • Registration fees and Living Future Membership costs are reduced.

2017 - New Online Learning System is Launched

    • A new online learning management system and catalog of on-demand courses launches, improving global access to educational content.
    • Learners pursuing LFA must complete the new 4-hour online course, 'Understanding the Living Building Challenge,' as part of the existing education framework.

2016 - Enhanced LFA Requirements: 70 Credits, Petal-Based Structure

    • The LFA credit requirement increases to 70 with a new Petal-based structure.
    • Learners choose their education options from various sources and formats, including Living Future and external providers, and submit documentation manually.
    • Of the 70 approved credits, 20 must be Institute-specific (i.e., from Living Future). At least two credits must relate to each Petal or category within the Living Building Challenge Standard.
    • Requirements also include a commitment form, a one-time application fee, and Living Future Membership.
    • The achievement deadline is one year after enrollment, and prior education credit is limited to the past two years.
    • Accreditation is valid for two years, with a renewal fee and a continuing education requirement of 36 credits.

2012 - LFA Credential is Launched at Living Future's Annual Conference

  • The Living Future Accreditation (LFA) credential is introduced at the Living Future 2012.
  • The inaugural cohort of learners must earn 35-45 education credits, depending on whether they are Living Building Challenge presenters/facilitators or complementing their LEED AP credential.
  • Prerequisites for both pathways include Living Future Membership and an active subscription to TrimTab, the Institute’s free quarterly electronic magazine. Individuals also read the current Living Building Challenge standard and at least two books from the Institute’s reading list.
  • Coursework from Living Future’s education catalog completed within the last five years can be applied toward accreditation. 
  • All education is manually self-reported and verified by Living Future
  • Accreditation is valid for two years, with a renewal fee and a continuing education requirement of 30 credits, 10 of which must be Institute-specific.

LFA Post-Achievement

How can I broadcast my LFA achievement?

Join us in sharing your achievement and growing our LFA community!

  • Add LFA to your title & signature — You can now use the post-nominal 'LFA' in your email signature and on your business card, your website, your LinkedIn profile, and any other personal collateral.
  • Record your LFA on LinkedIn â€” Follow this link to add LFA to your LinkedIn profile (LFA does not have an Expiration Date or Credential ID).
  • Connect in the Member Dashboard — For Professional Living Future Members, your achievement is now recorded in the Member Directory. Log into your Member Dashboard to check it out, and consider introducing yourself and make connections in the Discussion Board!
  • Share your achievement on social media — Tag Living Future's accounts so we can celebrate with you!
    • Facebook: @Living Future Institute
    • Instagram: @living_future
    • Linkedin: @International Living Future Institute
    • Pinterest: @livingfuture
    • Threads: @living_future
    • X (Twitter): @Living_future

How can I meet and connect with other LFAs?

We're better together! We enthusiastically encourage you to reach out to your fellow LFAs. Here are some tips for making connections:

Tip: Not yet a Living Future Member? Consider joining today!

How can I find work on a Living Future project after achieving LFA?

There's no better way to enforce and build upon your LFA than to work on a Living Future project. We're eager to support anyone looking to put their education into practice. here are some tips to get you started:

  • First and foremost, we invite you to explore the Jobs + Opportunities Board in the Member Dashboard. Members use the board to post job openings, volunteer needs, calls for submissions, or to advertise their own availability for new work. Click the "Follow" button to receive email notifications for new posts. 
  • We also recommend monitoring the monthly Member Community Newsletter (if you don't already). You can read the most recent newsletter and sign up here. The newsletter broadcasts upcoming networking events and often highlights job postings in the bottom-most "Catch Up on the Discussion" section.
  • And finally, don't forget that you can find contact details for fellow LFAs and Living Future Members within your organization or locality by using our searchable Member Directory.

Tip: Not yet a Living Future Member? Consider joining today!

How do I obtain a copy of my LFA certificate?

  1. Log into your Education Dashboard.
  2. Go to your Transcript.
  3. In the Certificates table near the top of your Transcript, scroll until you see "LFA (Living Future Accreditation)" (hint: you may have to click the orange Load More button if you have a lot of courses in this table).
  4. Select the orange Download button on the right. Your LFA Certificate of Achievement will open in a new tab. From there, you can download it to your device.

What is my LFA credential number?

The LFA credential is not issued with an ID or serial number. Professional certification can be verified in the Member Directory

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