19-0715 v3.X/Air Quality Testing in Oceania 3.x

New LBC Exception:

I08-E10 Product Air Quality Testing in Oceania
Products manufactured in, having a final point of assembly in, and distributed within the Oceania region, defined as Australia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, may demonstrate compliance with the Healthy Interior Environment Imperative by testing to ISO 16000, ISO 10580, or ASTM D5116. Products must demonstrate they are low emitting by providing a testing report from a certified lab that demonstrates the emission factor is equal to or less than:

  • tVOCs= 450 μg/m³
  • Formaldehyde =60 μg/m³

Projects may use products tested and certified under a program that conforms to the standards listed above such as:

  • Emicode (Edition 18.04.2018)
  • Blue Angel (Version 1.6, January 2018)

I-08d Technical Documents - demonstrate compliance with required testing above
I-08e Advocacy Documents - advocate to the manufacturer to offer CDPH or AgBB chamber testing for selected products to help build demand for these testing schemes.

This exception applies only to registered project teams in the Oceania region.

New Declare Exception:

I08-E1 Product Air Quality Testing in Oceania
Products manufactured in, having a final point of assembly in, and distributed within the Oceania region, defined as Australia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, may demonstrate compliance with the Healthy Interior Environment Imperative by testing to ISO 16000, ISO 10580, or ASTM D5116. Products must demonstrate they are low emitting by providing a testing report from a certified lab that demonstrates the emission factor is equal to or less than:

  • tVOCs= 450 μg/m³
  • Formaldehyde =60 μg/m³

Manufacturers must also advocate to the testing lab to offer CDPH or AgBB chamber testing for their products to help build demand for these testing schemes.

This exception is only valid for labels issued prior to December 31, 2021.

This exception applies to manufacturers in the Oceania region, however, products that have been issued a Declare label in this region can be used on LBC projects worldwide.

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