18-0326 v3.0/I07-E5 Operable Windows in Renovation Typology 3.x

I07-E5 Operable Windows in Renovation Typology

Projects in the Renovation Typology, that will occupy less than 75% of the building's gross area after the project is completed, and are in a building without operable windows, are allowed to retain the non-operable windows if they meet and document the following: 

  • Advocacy to replace the non-operable windows, including providing research into viable replacement options
  • Occupant control of fresh air (e.g. occupant control over 100% OA vents; flexible seating)
  • Tangible access to the outdoor environment (e.g. access to a patio or deck; other policies or technology that allow connections to the outside).

Documentation:I07-b Exception Narrative (previously called special use narrative)
I07-c Advocacy Documentation

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