17-1219 v3.0/University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy - Keller Center/Carbon Offsets 3.x


The Keller Center is an adaptive reuse of a 60-year-old structural concrete beams, columns, floors, exterior limestone façade, and existing windows. In running through the carbon calculations, we noticed that the existing structure accounts for more than half of the embodied carbon that would be in the offset for new construction. However, due to the structure’s age and that reusing it is one of the project’s carbon reducing strategies, we would like to ask that it be excluded from the carbon offset purchase since we are reusing building elements. Is this something ILFI can accommodate with an exception?
Projects in the Building Typology may use I11-E1 Renovation Offset Reduction if they are an adaptive reuse of an existing building. The Institute has updated this Exception, therefore, this project may reduce the amount of carbon to offset by up to 50%.
I11-E1 Renovation Offset Reduction
The amount of carbon offsets required may be reduced by up to 50% for projects that are registered under the Renovation typology or are an adaptive reuse of an existing structure when the savings from using an existing building are not already included in their calculation. Project teams need to demonstrate that the percentage of reduction is appropriate based on the extent of project work and the calculator selected.

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