20-0909 Brochure 3.x


It is an LBC requirement to provide a simple brochure describing the design, environmental features, and how occupants can help maintain and operate the project.
We feel this requirement is at odds with the goals of the Living Building Challenge, as well as Sustainable Coastlines (the owner) who work with communities to reduce waste, and clean up and remove thousands of tonnes of waste from our coastlines.
There is educational information available both on Sustainable Coastlines website, and signage throughout the building.
We ask that we be exempt from providing a brochure on this basis, and that ILFI consider removing this documentation requirement generally to reduce printing and waste.


The Institute is adding the following Clarification for I20 Inspiration and Education, under Brochure:

Teams are not required to have a stack of printed brochures, but must make a paper copy available upon request. If paper copies are only available upon request, the brochure should also be available on the project website in a downloadable and printable form, such as .pdf. 

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