17-0911 v3.0/Cal Guerxo/VOC 3.x


  1. In order to comply with the VOC emission requirements related to Imperative 08, LEED and US Green Building Council recognize a number of programs and rating systems as sufficient to show LEED compliance. One option is to show compliance with German AgBB criteria; but the formaldehyde emissions accepted by AgBB are higher than approved by US GBC and LEED. Therefore, on top of AgBB compliance, low formaldehyde emissions of 10 µg/m³ after 28 days in a ventilated test chamber must not be exceeded - one way to prove this is that a product is A+ labelled. For European projects, can we use the USGBC guidance and select indoor products that show compliance with German AgBB in combination with A+ label?
  2. In addition, we asked USGBC if insulation that has obtained IBR Certification in combination with A+ Certification would qualify. Their response was the following:” Testing for the IBR Seal is based on AgBB, which is acceptable for the IEQc Low Emitting Materials general emissions evaluation when used in combination with a French A+ VOC label. " Can we use this guidance and select a product with IBR Seal in combination with the French A+ VOC label?
  3. As far as wet applied products are concerned, we would like to receive confirmation on our understanding of the standard. The Red List is focused on ingredients, so for wet applied products the focus is on VOC content. Imperative 08 is focused on emissions, so for wet applied product, the focus is on VOC emissions.  LEED V4 requirements for wet applied products is focusing on both content and emissions. If we specify LEED V4 compliant wet applied products, do we comply with both the Red List and Imperative 08 requirements?


  1. Products that meet AgBB Testing and Evaluation Scheme, Limit Value AFSSET 2009 or AgBB Testing and Evaluation Scheme, Limit Value French A+ VOC Regulation 2011 are also considered to meet California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1-2010 for the purposes of the Living Building Challenge. Products that meet AgBB 2014 and 2015 are not necessarily compliant and need to be verified against the thresholds of the 2009 and 2011 schemes. 
  2. Insulation that has achieved the IBR Seal and/or French A+ label does not need further emissions vetting (for VOCs or CDPH) for LBC, but must still be vetted for Red List ingredients. 
  3. If the project is pursuing both the Health + Happiness and Materials Petals, all wet applied products must meet both I10 Red List requirements and I08 Healthy Interior Environment requirements. Per the v3.1 Materials Petal Handbook (MPH p9), wet-applied products (coatings, adhesives, and sealants) applied on site must have VOC levels below the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1168 for Adhesives and Sealants or the CARB 2007 Suggested Control Measure (SCM) for Architectural Coatings, as applicable. In addition, project teams may use South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule #1113 to document VOC compliance for architectural coating products. Products that meet other standards allowed under LEED (e.g. ASTM and ISO) do not necessarily comply with LBC requirements and must be shown to meet the approved standards.  

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